Thursday, August 26, 2010

Relevance of higher education

Hai, every one

As a teacher I like to tell you something about Higher Education. In the present time it’s a very relevant topic because governments frequently changes rules on higher education according to the nations need, so as the importance higher education. For the development of a country education is a must in all its advanced levels, right?

Higher Education occupies a special position in the educational system of any nation because it is at the zenith of the entire educational structure and thus influences all the levels of education.

Higher Education refers to a level of education that is provided at academies, universities, colleges, seminaries, institutes of technology, and certain other collegiate level institutions such as vocational schools’, trade schools career colleges etc.

Higher Education is an educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education such as, high school, secondary school and higher secondary schools. Then comes the tertiary education. It includes undergraduate and post graduate education, as well as vocational education and training colleges, universities and institute of technology are the main institutions that provide territory education.

Higher Education includes teaching, research exacting applied works like medical schools, dental schools etc.

I know, all of you are familiar with all the above mention things, but I just remember you, that there are opportunities. And you know society’s expectation from higher education have not remained the same always, but have kept changing with its needs.

The Higher Education can be characterized through three dimensions:

1. Dimension of specialization

2. Dimension of formal, institutionalized system.

3. Dimension of research.

The present social, economic and industrial development has created a pressure towards greater specialization in the field of higher education.

As modern society grew more complex, more selective and efficient means of cultural transmission, it has given formal and institutional shape to higher education.

Growth of Higher Education

Higher Education in United States

According to UNESCO the U.S has the second largest number of higher education institutions in the world with total 5,758 an average more than 115 per state .The U.S also has the highest number of higher education students in the world around 14,261778 ie, 4.75% of the total population.

Higher Education in Canada

In Canada the constitutional responsibility for higher education rests with the provinces of Canada and the three territories have separate higher education system .according to the recent studies higher education level in Canada is tremendously increased from the past. We can see in British Colombia , for example the growth of higher education. The British Colombia Ministry of Advanced Education administers a higher education system that includes twenty five publicly funded institutions, fourteen private institutions and numerous career training institutions or career colleges .Public institution include eleven universities, eleven colleges and three institutions .Private institutions include three private universities, five private colleges ,and six theological colleges.

Higher Education in United Kingdoms

Education is mandatory from ages five to sixteen. The majority of children are educated in state-sector schools, only a small proportion of which, select on the grounds of academic ability. State schools which are allowed to select pupils according to intelligence and academic ability can achieve comparable results to the most selective private schools: out of the top ten performing schools in terms of GCSE results in 2006 two were state-run grammar schools. Despite a fall in actual numbers, the proportion of children in England attending private schools has risen to over 7% However over half of students at the leading universities of Cambridge and Oxford had attended state schools England has some of the top universities in the world; university of Cambridge, university of oxford Imperial college London and university college London are ranked in the global top 10 in the 2008, THE –QS world ranking.

Higher Education in Iran

In 2008, Iran had over 3.5 million students enrolled in universities some 1.7 million in various programs in Islamic Azad university and the remainder in State universities. In addition the new enrollment numbers for the academic year 2004 were 290 thousand in Azad universities, and 250 thousand in State universities. Iran currently has 54 state operated universities, and 42 state medical schools. These are primarily the top choice for students in national entrance exams, and have the largest and most prestigious programs. There are 289 major private universities operating as well.] In addition there is over 40,000 students engaged in Masters Programs and 20,000 students in PhD programs. In all these schools, except for private universities such as the Islamic Azad University system, tuition and room and board, is mostly paid for by the government. The universities themselves largely operate on state budgets. There are also institutes like Payame Noor University that offer degrees remotely or online.

Higher Education in Israel

The Council for Higher Education yesterday presented a plan designed to reform Israeli higher education. The plan calls for an additional NIS 7.5 billion in state spending on higher education over the next six years, of which NIS 1.35 billion will be added to the two-year state budget for 2011 and 2012.

The plan, which has been in the works for the past year, is designed to address the decline in the level of research and teaching at Israel's universities and their financial problems. It is also meant to deal with other problems, such as the "brain drain" of highly skilled researchers to universities overseas and accessibility to higher education for ultra-Orthodox Jews, Israeli Arabs and residents of outlying parts of the country.

Higher Education in U.A.E

Rapid rise in population has necessitated a considerable investment in education. Today, the UAE offers a comprehensive education to all male and female students from kindergarten to university, with education for the country’s citizens being provided free at all levels. There is also an extensive private education sector, while several thousand students, of both sexes, pursue courses of higher education abroad at Government expense. Educational opportunities in the UAE have blossomed since the establishment of the Federation when only a tiny minority of the urban population had access to formal education. Today, the UAE offers a comprehensive education to all male and female students from kindergarten to university, with education for the country’s citizens being provided free at all levels. There is also an extensive private education sector, while several thousand students, of both sexes, pursue courses of higher education abroad at Government expenses. Now that the infrastructure is in place, the educational focus is on devising and implementing a strategy that will ensure the youth of the country are ready to meet the challenges of the twenty first century work place.

A major practical shift in timetabling took place in 2006 following the Federal Government’s announcement that from 1 September 2006 the weekend schedule would be changed to make Friday and Saturday the official weekend for all public sector establishments as well as government schools and universities.

Higher Education in India

At present there are 306 university level institutions in India .it includes 18 central universities, 186 state universities ,5 institutions established under state legislature Act,89 deemed universities and 13 institutes of national importance .of these 38 institutes provide education in agriculture including forestry ,diary and fisheries and veterinary science ,21 in medicine ,44 in engineering and technology and form in information technology ,four in legal studies. The number of open universities is nine and that of women universities is five.

To achieve a profound transformation of higher education in order that it becomes an effective promoter of substantial human development and at the same time, improve the relevance with loser links with world of work and achieve quality in its teaching research and business and community extension function including lifelong learning.

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