Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Waiting for the chariot

Hey, look at me; stars, sky and birds,
I’m dreaming,
Dreaming of my life.
I’m going to be a bride! A wife!
Hey, Gods and Goddesses of heaven and earth,
Aid me and lead me
I’m your child, growing up in your laps
Hey Mother Heera, aid me and pray for me.
The time has come,
Something great is approaching me.
I can hear the tp-tp-tp;
Of the chariot, which my Prince has come
He will bring me with him.
Yes! I’m dreaming and looking outside,
And waiting for him….

In that moon light

See! Oh my love,
These mango groves in our country yard,
 Stood up like the Athens.
This night we feel our love, will hold;
 And saintly moonlight seemed to reach,
And wash the whole world with tiny drops of rain.
Tiny crystals appear on the leaves.
The nightingales, sings for us,
Only for our love; and
Most passionate earth and intense-
Heaven will pray for us,
Only for our love.
We paled with love, we shook with love,
We kissed so close, we could not vow,
Sits; in the cool breeze; we exchange,
The arrows through heroic mails.
And love was awful in it all.
Oh! Cool white moon light refresh the pulses
Across this garden-chamber, the nightingale sings
Oh, my first last love, our souls and flesh
Surrender to each other
Oh! The dawn is near
And still they sing…
 ‘The nightingales…’


Can you chase butterflies                        ?               
can you count stars in the sky                  ?
can you go to the end of the world           ?
can you fly through air as you like             ?
can you live ,the way you want to              ?
can you forgot your past                           ?


Maternity is the most;
Powerful position in the universe.
'Mother' is the most sweetest;
Word in the world.
Mother's love is the everlasting ;
Strength of a man.
Mother's milk is the sweetest thing in the world.

"Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder"

You gone away from me
Leaving me alone in this darkness
Gone far away from me...
Come to me ,come to me
Come to me with your
Light of love
  Take me with you
  To where ever you go
  Iam ready to follow you
  Anywhere in this universe
  Either towards the highest peak
  Or across the deepest sea,
  Iam ready to follow you
  Anywhere you go...
I want to come
To where ever you go
Take me with you
I am alone here in this darkness
Waiting for you
Listening to the approaching sound
Of your foot steps
Come to me,come to me
And take me with you...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Talking Heart

Looking at the foot prints of the past
To whom you are waiting for?
I can't see nothing in your eyes;
Sadness,hope -nothing.
You don't listen the singing birds,
You don't look at the flowers around you
The siren of death couldn't fear you
You can't cry in your failure,
And you can't smile in your success
I can't say what's in your mind
Dear friend, i can't understand you
Looking at the foot prints of the past to whom you are waiting?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

on that day

The day was of extreme joy

Heaven seems nearby.

Our hearts were full

We joined in a close association,

With hopes of love and good fortune to stay.

The day brought us a seventh heaven,

In every distinguished way.

Loved ones were surrounded us

To share their happiness, of the day.

Bestowing their blessing,

For our nuptial vows to stay.

Now itself the memories of that day,

Glowed  warmly in our hearts.